WEEK 8- Luke


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    Roberta Tyler



    Valente Valenzuela

    Luke, a physician, and a historian.

    The book of Luke is the last of the three Synoptic Gospels. He writes about the people who were often ignored in society. He explains how Jesus cared greatly for the suffering, outcasted, and how He healed the hurting people.

    Also, we find out more about His heart towards women, children, the poor, prostitutes, despised tax-collectors, and sinners of every kind. The Gospel of Luke stresses Jesus’ humanity and compassion more than any of the other three Gospel writers did. The narrative makes clear that God, through his Son Jesus, reaches out in love to the unlovable of the world.

    In conclusion, God loves us more than anyone, no matter what we have been through or done in the past; He forgave us and wants to have an active role in our recovery.


    Daniel Logan

    in Luke he teach us how to stand up in our faith


    Katrina Dillow

    Luke is one of my favorite books in the bible because it shows how amazing god is and just because it is not when we want something to happen does not mean god is not listening to our prayers. Zechariah and Elizabeth wanted a child but they were too old. They were amazing servants for the lord so god answered their prayers.


    Kathy Vara

    Luke 4:1-13, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for forty days. The Bible says Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was being tested at this time, right before he was about to begin his ministry. Jesus was tempted and tested to prepare him for his ministry. In my opinion, Jesus had to be free from any and all pride to resist the temptations Satan tempted him with because Jesus could do all of the things the devil tempted him to do but he didn’t because he knew that if he did, then he would not fulfill his assignment from the Father God which was to be the Savior of the world.


    Jasmine Martinez

    Luke is the third gospel in the bible where Jesus is presented as the Son of Man. Luke was a physician that wrote both the book of Like and the book of Acts.

    This book covers Jesus’ youth, ministry in Galilee, time in Jerusalem, and sacrifice and triumph. One thing that is mentioned in Luke more than the other gospels is Jesus’ dependence on prayer and presence of the Holy Spirit. Another thing Luke records is Jesus’ close relationship and prominence given to women during his lifetime.


    Sarah Polangco

    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>The book of Mark was written by “John Mark”. Mark is the second book of the New Testament.  In the book of Mark he focuses on Jesus actions, and how he carried himself. I love how Mark shows the heart of Jesus.One of my favorite scriptures is “Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” Jesus demonstrated that not only by the miracles, signs , and wonders we see throughout the book of Mark  our how Jesus showed his mercy and grace; but by paying ultimate sacrifice, dyeing on the cross for mine and your sins.</span></p>


    Sarah Polangco

    <p dir=”ltr” style=”line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt;”><span style=”font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap;”>The Book of Luke is the third book in the New Testament; he is also the author of Acts. Luke walked with the apostle Paul and called him his companion. Luke was known as the Great Physician. In the book of Luke, Luke  reveals to us the trinity of Jesus by showing us that he was not only the Son of God but also God the Father  and God the Holy Spirit. He illustrates how important the trinity is and how each plays a part in our life.</span></p>


    Aurelia Alderson

    The Gospel according to Luke is one of the earliest accounts of Jesus´ life. Luke who is a traveling co-worker with Paul the apostle who is also a doctor,  opens his work with a preference telling how and why he wrote this book. He acknowledges there are many other fine accounts to Jesus´ life, but he wanted to go back to the eye witness tradition of as many early disciples as possible. He wanted to give an orderly account of the things that had been fulfilled to show how the story of Jesus fulfills the story of God and Israel and of the whole world. Luke immediately puts in front of us a large back story showing us what Jesus´ good news to the poor looks like. Luke is showing us how  Jesus´ kingdom brought restoration and reversal of peoples whole life circumstances. In Luke chapter 6 verses 12 through 29 Jesus forms these people into a new Israel by appointing over them the twelve disciple as leaders corresponding to the twelve tribes of Israel. He was and still is expanding the circle of people who get invited into discover the whaling power of God´s Kingdom. 


    Jeren Alderson

    The gospel of Luke written to  Theophilus is an account of Jesus’s ministry death and resurrection to assure Theophilus of the events that occurred. Luke’s Gospel begins with john the Baptists foretold birth, then proceeds to go on to talk about his life in the dessert and that he is the forerunner to prepare a way for the coming messiah. Jesus’s ministry starts after he is baptized by John and is brought into the dessert. The gospel of Luke is inline with the other gospels and is added legitimacy for the validity of the recorded events in the other Gospels. The Book of Luke plays out the same way as the other Gospels and ends with the Ascension and the only differences being writing styles and the same events from different perspectives to help the reader better understand the story better. The fact that there are four written books of the same events from different perspectives shows Gods hand was truly working through the disciples so that anyone may read and know what happened. The special thing about the Gospel of Luke other than it being the written word of our God and being the story of our messiah is that Luke is almost in conjunction with the Book of Acts because they share the same author. the Gospel of Luke has a common theme of what is lost can return, an example of this is the parables Jesus taught; such as the parable of the parodical son and the parable of the sower and the parable of the lost sheep etc. Luke can very much speak to those who feel to far gone for Gods love and forgiveness but like we learn nothing can separate us from Gods love.


    Angelie Mangubat

    This book so beautifully tells how Jesus loved on people. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Jesus came not for those who see themselves righteous, but to love, heal, and deliver the oppressed, the hurt, the broken, the rejected. This book further illustrates how Jesus came to love on and show compassion for all people, and even identified with them. Another example of how each of us ought to be towards one another.  The book of Luke is my 8 year old son’s favorite book in the bible so far.

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