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  • #16372

    Michael Trevino

    Ezekiel means “God Strengthens “ He was a prophet and priest to the Jews during the exile.He was 30 years old when he began his ministry to the Jews in Babylon and was captive for years when he began prophesying God sent Ezekiel to preach messages of judgement and restoration.Ezekiel forewarned his people that Jerusalem’s judgement was not yet complete.His messages were not well received by the Jews they thought he should be giving messages of comfort and hope,not judgement.Ezekiels predictions came true as Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C from then on ,the people listened carefully to his preaching


    Victor Usher

    God had revealed himself to Ezekiel through angels and in a vision. Ezekiel prophesied for some time, and his message was about judgement for sins. There was also some false prophets in the book of Ezekiel which is noted in chapter 34. God cared deeply for his people, and through the vision he showed Ezekiel of some events that were yet to come. God also punished some very evil nations, one in particular such as Tyre’s glory. In Ezekiel 27:2 (NLT) it states, “Son of man, sing a funeral song for Tyre.” I thought the songs/poems sung for Tyre’s destruction were interesting in Ezekiel 27 and 28.


    Janina Cuellar

    Biblical :  JC

    Ezekiel: He attempted to bring repentance and confidence in the distant future. He taught Gods work through human messengers, defeated and dis paired God’s people need to affirm God sovereignty, God’s word never fails, God’s kingdom w


    Mario Ahumada

    Ezekiel talks about how the Babylonians came to invade Jerusalem for the second time. This time wiping every thing out and sending the Jews into exile.
    After 5 years God called Ezekiel back to Israel to speak them. Those messages can be spread into three different areas. Judgements judgement against Israel, other nations and then the promises of restoration.


    Angel Higgins

    <p class=”MsoNormal”><b>BIBLICAL STUDIES 103 HW 2</b></p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”><b><i><u>EZEKIEL</u></i></b></p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”>In Ezekiel 2 it goes on to explain that he had been called to be a prophet, the spirit of the Lord entered him at once when He was able to stand and speak to the Lord. He was then assigned to go to the Israelites, and which had rebelled against the Lord. They were known to be stubborn. So that Lord gave him the words to speak to them.</p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”>It goes on to say in Ezekiel 3 that the Lord gave him a scroll and asked him to eat it. After eating the scroll sent Ezekiel off to speak with the Israelites and deliver his message. Before that the Lord told Ezekiel that he would make his forehead as strong as a flint and reminded him not be afraid. Ezekiel was then sent out and he sat with them for seven days and those days were full of distress.</p>


    Jasmine Martinez

    Ezekiel was a priest as well as a prophet who started his ministry at the age of 30 years old. He was a prophet to the Jews who were held captive in Babylon. Half of his book prophesies the fall of Jerusalem. Ezekiel was known to include a lot of symbolic actions in his prophesies through the use of visual aids, such as binding himself up. One of Ezekiel’s most well-known prophesies was the Vision of the Valley and dry bones, which foresaw Israel’s resurrection.


    Valente Valenzuela

    <p class=”MsoNormal”><span lang=”EN-US” style=”mso-ansi-language: EN-US;”>Ezekiel means “God Strengthens” a name that reveals the true character of God. Although, unrepented sin (idol worship) brings separation from God’s presence, His grace and mercy allow us to come back to a glorious restoration. He loves and wants us to return to his house for worship and fellowship. For example, when a Dentist advises an application of fluoride on your teeth… it is applied to strengthen and make your teeth stronger. If we are feeling like our sin has brought judgement on us, remember like the Dentist, He wants to restore our relationship and strengthen our fellowship with Him.</span></p>


    Valente Valenzuela

    Ezekiel means “God Strengthens” a name that reveals the true character of God. Although, unrepented sin (idol worship) brings separation from God’s presence, His grace and mercy allow us to come back to a glorious restoration. He loves and wants us to return to his house for worship and fellowship. For example, when a Dentist advises an application of fluoride on your teeth… it is applied to strengthen and make your teeth stronger. If we are feeling like our sin has brought judgement on us, remember like the Dentist, He wants to restore our relationship and strengthen our fellowship with Him.


    Kathy Vara

    Jeremiah the prophet suffered persecution and abuse for the messages he delivered to the people that were from the Lord. He suffered for doing the will of God in his life. However, I try to look at the fact that Jeremiah heard directly from God and what an honor that is. For his obedience to God he will spend eternity with God and he is remembered and known by us all because God included him in the Bible. So even though he suffered as Christ, he shared in Christ’s suffering so then he will share in Christ’s glory.


    Angel De Alba

    <p class=”MsoNormal”>Ezekiel</p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”></p>
    <p class=”MsoNormal”>The prophet Ezekiel <span style=”mso-spacerun: yes;”> </span>was a priest in the who was living in Jerusalem when the attack happened. Ezekiel accuses Israel against rebellion, as isreal has given their glory to other gods by worshipping idols. God speaks to Ezekiel and commands him to warn the people. God told Ezekiel that nobody was going to listen to him because of their rebellion and their hard hearts. God wants to use us to share the good news and warn people they are heading for eternal destruction.</p>


    Joey Morris

    ezekiel was a prophet and a priest.when he started his preaching he didn’t know if he was preaching the right message.he started his ministry around 30 yrs old.god showed him a vision that he cared for his people.in at the end jerusalem was destroyed


    Lisa Carney



    Maricela Lopez

    Ezekiel was called by God after had been in exile for 5 years, which makes me think that we must always be ready even when we think God might be taking too long when we are in a situation God is always on time. Ezekiels visions must have been beautiful to have seen the glory of God as He sends him to warn Israel of coming judgement. Their sin was so much that they were worshiping other gods in God’s temple and that caused the precense of God to leave what a tragedy. We think that cant happen now but the times seem very similar. This book is so poetic in the sense of how Ezekiel expresses his visions, the valley of dry bones as a new creation, the destruction of the nations called gog at the end times, and God’s glory coming back to dwell umong man.


    Evelia McMahon



    Stephanie Shook


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