The Book of Acts was the author Luke’s continuation of the Book of Luke (Luke 1:1, 2). The Book of Acts was thought to have been written during the time of the Apostle Paul’s imprisonment, which was approximately A.D. 62. This book was written during the first century and gives detailed accounts of the political, historical and geographical foundations of the early church. In Luke’s Gospel we see the beginning of what Jesus was teaching and doing in His ministry. In Matthew 28:18-20 we see Jesus giving the Great Commission to the Disciples telling them to continue the work of making disciple throughout the nations. In the Book of Acts we see Luke continues with giving the accounts of the resurrected Christ and how He continued His work with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, through the Disciples. In Acts, the Holy Spirit is the central focus, as well as the widespread growth of the early church and Christianity throughout the nations.