Queen Esther

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    Tedrina Vazquez

    In the book of Esther I thought that it was such a beauitful story it was full of love betrayal and most of all gods hand was in it. she was taken in and cared for by her cousin Mortdecai who raised her and then all of a sudden her life had change, when she was taken to be queen along with others. and the King who name was king Ahasuerus had loved her .Then came thee betrayal of his right hand man Haman who wanted to kill all the Jews and Mortdecai queen Esther’s cousin had send word to her. and I loved how she prayed  and fasted, an the braveness  and witch can only be from god to go in front of the king where she was forbidden to go and he the king accepted her. Finally she got the moment to meet with the King and his right hand man  Haman and there she exposed him and the king had him hung and the king advanced Mortdecai and he became great among the Jews.

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