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Numbers- Claudia Rodriguez

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    Claudia Rodriguez

    In Numbers we learn about how the Rock was Christ.  How People from the past were lead by the cloud during the Passover.  In 1 Corinthias  10:1-12 we learned that God doesn’t want us to worship any statues of other gods.  Not to commit sexual sins and also not to speak against God.  In numbers there is a scripture were many rich people threw large amounts of money when offering , but there was a poor widow that only put 2 small copper coins.   We also learned that during the Passover it was a memorial for us of deliverance from sin through Christ.  We eat the bread and drink from the cup , because it reminds us the announcing of the Lord’s death until he comes back again.  Everyone that believes in hi will have eternal life.  We need not to speak against God,  In Numbers the Scripture also tells us under Reveletaion 2:14 how Balaam taught the Israelites to sin. How they ate food and offered to the Statues of gods and how they committed sins.  In Chapters 26-27 we learn about how Moses is told of his death and how Josuah was appointed to take his place.

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