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From Mourning to Morning

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  • #16034

    Nicole Villalobos

    The weeping prophet, Jeremiah, would not only endure physical suffering, but also emotional suffering as he prophesied the judgement of Israel. The mighty southern kingdom of Judah would fall during Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry, which led to a deep mourning within the man of God which led him to lament, giving way to the book to f Lamentations.  He would carry a deep grief over the evil and suffering in the world. He would literally have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death as he walked the streets of Jerusalem.Jeremiah’s mourning would have a proverbial ray of hope shed on him as the Lord would show him a glimpse of the new covenant that would give way to the cry of Jeremiah’s heart as he bellowed out to God, “great is thy faithfulness!” In the same way Jeremiah had endured the deep mourning and almost carried the weight of pain for his fellow brethren lost in sin, we as believers must have that same empathetic passion to take on these burdens and take them into prayer being an intercessor on their behalf. Unless we have a heartbeat that aches over what Jesus’s heartbeat aches over nothing will change, it simply will not.

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