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    James McGilberry

    In the book of Exodus God speaks about the Israelites exodus from Egypt.  The book of Exodus also speaks about the foundational theology.  In which God reveals his name, his attributes, his redemption, his law and how he is to be worshiped.  The book of Exodus also speaks about the appointment and also the work of Moses.  Who was the mediator of the Sinaitic covenant.  Which was used to describe the beginnings of priesthood in Israel, and also speaks about the roles that defines the prophet and also.  How the roles of a prophet.  Relate to the  ancient covenant.  Relationship between God and his people.  The role that the Ten Commandments played not only in the morality. Of the Israelites but also in the daily lives. Of the Israelites as well.  God also revealed his true character in the book of Exodus as well.  The Ten Plagues that God.  Released onto Egypt due to Pharaoh’s stubbornness and pride!  The book of Exodus also revealed the kindness and also the humanity of God.  As well as the mysterious and also the sovereign. Moses had an encounter with God. When God spoke to Moses. In the burning bush.  The Mysterious nature of God.   Was very apparent.   When Moses asked God the question.  If the Israelites ask who sent you?  God’s response was.  “Tell them that I am who I am.”   Sent me to you!  Showed the mysterious and also sovereign.  Nature of God.  When God would would go before the Israelites in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire at night!  This showed the kindness and also humane side of God.   Providing the Israelites with Manna and also Quail.  Showed how God always provided.  For the Israelites even though.  They complained, grumbled and also rebelled. Against the authority of God.  When the Israelites sinned against God.  By fashioning for themselves.  A golden calf/idol.  When Moses went up to Mount Sinai.  To get instructions from God.  Pertaining to how to lead the Israelites.  Morally and also spiritually.  By the two stone tablets/ Ten commandments.  That were written by his fingers.  Instructions was also given for the building of the temple.



    Ricardo Sanchez


    What I noticed about Exodus 4:10-14 is that we make mistakes in life. Mistakes like hurting people, family, we try to leave and wander away to start over, ignoring the damage we caused. The Lord has a different plan. He calls us back to reach the lost, the broken and hurting. We ignore his calling by saying we are not worthy, we don’t know what to say or how to reach them. The Lord is persistent in His love towards us. He comforts us, encourages us and sends us back out there to reach our family, brothers and sisters, the lost and broken.


    James McGilberry

    Amen and amen my brother, and so true!

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