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  • #14811

    Brooke Percy

    Esther is chosen for her beauty to become the new queen of the Persian empire over queen vashti. She keeps her identity and race a secret, but once a decree goes out that all Jews will be murdered without being able to defend themselves she finds herself fighting to defend them. She risks her life after talking to her cousin Mordecai to approach the king and speak with him about it –  ultimately Haman ends up on a pole he had set up that very same day to murder mordecai on for not bowing down to him and all of his lineage dies in the fight to try to kill the Jews. Once the king heard about the decree that haman had sent out he allowed Esther to write another, and it specifically stated that all Jews were able to defend themselves against them on that very same day and the slaughter ended up lasting more than just one day. Esther found her courage to open her mouth and voice what needed to be spoken against to stand up against all evil and fight for what was right!

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