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  • #13048

    Ofelia Herrera

    In the book of Deuteronomy, we see that God has to repeat himself. He not only gives us the ten commandments again, but he has to warn us against idols. I think that he makes it very clear that we are to obey and love God: Fear GOD with a perfect love and doing it willingly. God has to say he is God, that he is the only God, that we should love him, not forget him and his laws, fear him, obey him, worship him, all the while that he is teaching us, making new covenant with us, prospering us, blessing us and making a way for us. Wow. What our loving father is willing to go through for his children. It has no words, it leaves me speechless, and with a deeper will to do his work. If we are not where he planned for us to be, he will remove the reproach and make a way, even when we do not deserve it. I cannot speak for Moses, or the freed slaves, I cannot say that I am any better or would not have did the same. Thank you, Jesus, for your blood that set me free.


    Timothea Galoner

    Wonderful! A great tribute to His blessings!

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