1 Samuel A.M

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  • #13755

    Angelita Madrigal

    The four main characters of this book were Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David.  Samuel was born to a woman that made a vow to God. She couldn’t get pregnant and asked God to give a son and if He did she would give him back his entire life, and that is what exactly happened. Eli was the father of two sons that had no respect for God and his commands. Eli was wanted if his sons don’t stop doing what they were doing that they would pay with there lives. When they were sent out to fight they were killed and Eli also died that same day. Saul failed the leaders submission test over and over again because he wanted to listen to the people rather than God. He ends up killing himself. David was Gods chosen king. No matter how Saul treated or as many times as he tried killing him David always stayed faithful to Saul. Time and time again David would pass the submission to God test.

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