• Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 2 weeks ago

    Student Jon Howard got 15 out of 20 in Quiz NPCC Lesson 7 Quiz (June 2nd)

  • Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 2 weeks ago

    Student Sergio Murrell got 15 out of 20 in Quiz NPCC Lesson 7 Quiz (June 2nd)

  • Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 2 weeks ago

    Student Wendy Sanchez got 20 out of 20 in Quiz NPCC Lesson 7 Quiz (June 2nd)

  • Instructor evaluated Quiz for student 2 weeks ago

    Student Regina Mateos got 20 out of 20 in Quiz NPCC Lesson 7 Quiz (June 2nd)

  • Results available for assignment NPCC 303 Homework 6 Due June 9th 2 weeks ago

    Student Regina Mateos got marks 22 out of 25 in assignment NPCC 303 Homework 6 Due June 9th

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Leadership University 2021