Non Profit Care and Counseling 301


97 in stock



This course is an introduction to lay biblical counseling as it pertains to providing
inner healing. Students will be taught counseling tools through God’s Word, while
utilizing training from the solution focused counseling model. This course will
discuss the best practices of being a lay counselor that ministers to the total person:
mind, spirit, and emotions.

Upon completion of this course:
1. Students will understand what Lay Biblical Counseling is.
2. Students will receive training on ethics and other professional
responsibilities they must uphold as a lay counselor.
3. Students will gain confidence in their abilities to listen and take notes
during counseling sections.
4. Students will learn to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to
provide the ministry of inner healing and deliverance as needed in a
counseling session.

Leadership University 2021