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  • #13290

    Brooke Percy

    Ruth is a widow; her husband had passed and she didn’t want to leave her Mother-in-Law Naomi – so she stayed and cared for her. She ended up working in the fields one day; and the man who owned the farm named Boaz tells the other farm hands to tend to her by dropping extra grains that they were harvesting behind them for her to be able to pick up and carry home. After returning back home she found out that Boaz is actually a relative of Naomi’s, and she encourages her to seek a marriage with Boaz by going to his room and making her presence and interests known. She gave Ruth instructions, and she remained faithful to her wishes. Boaz claimed her as a wife since he is a ‘Kinsman Redeemer’ of the woman and the estate, and they ended up baring a child, a baby boy named Obed.

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