I want to be honest, I did not like the book of Leviticus at first until we went over it in class with Pastor Christy. I thought it was tiresome, but I understood that it was important because this is when God was setting the Laws for His people. Christy’s enthusiasm for this book intrigued me. Why is she excited to go over this book with us I thought at the beginning of class? Then by the end of class, my heart grew for this book.
My eyes opened up. I saw the Israelites as truly God’s children with God setting these laws before them because He loved them so much. I see myself guiding my children and setting rules upon them, not to burden them or be a tyrant over them, but to protect them and guide them. The Laws that God put over His people were not only designed to protect them, but also designed for them to grow. The Laws are Laws of love for His people. A gardener will put a shield covering over his plants as the freeze is coming, not to keep it from growing and suffocate it, but to protect it from the harshness of the freeze as the plant continues to have a chance to thrive and later on bloom under that covering put on by the gardener.