The book of Job is encouragement when we go thru a trial or trials that God is allowing what is happening to us and that He will give us the strength to endure thru the process. When satan attacks believers we can be certain that he doesn’t do it without God’s permission so we must remain faithful and becarefull of what we allow into our lives, minds, and hearts. Don’t forget the people around us can influence our thought process and cause us to sin, as Jobs friends tried to do. In the end God restored double what he had before it has always been something on my mind to think that he didn’t get his old kids back that must still be hurtful especially since he wasn’t at fault, but I just heard a sermon that put that back into perspective that he got 7 more kids and he still had the original 7 in heaven and they would be together again, therefore he did get a double portion of his children as well.
Psalms is so inspirational when I feel stressed or down over a situation I can open Psalms anywhere and be reminded of God’s love towards me and that I am victorious over all those who persecute me that He has already fought the battle I just have to trust in Him. Even when I mess up God forgives me and restores me. Sometimes I enter a place and feel the weight of darkness and evil and I refer to Psalms 23.
Psalm 22 is our past before the Cross
Psalm 23 is our present the Crook
Psalm 24 is our future the Crown