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  • #16819

    Brooke Percy

    The book of Hosea is one of the book of twelve in the Bible. Hosea was a prophet that married a wife that was an adulterer. A lot of this story is symbolic between the relationship God had with Israel and the relationship God asked Hosea to continue with the adulterer but as he was told to love her through it all his children wanted to drive her out of the household. Hosea took back Gomer and loved her just as God loves us, unconditionally, when most would be humiliated and stripped of any pride or love for your wife. Oddly enough, the representation of his wife being an adulterer with men in the physical plays out later into Hosea as we see spiritual adulterers amongst the Israelite people. Hosea began to call for repentance and later realized Israel wasn’t repenting or acknowledging their ways of sins but divulging further in them. They turned their faces away from God yet again and worshipped Baal and pagan gods/entities, only for God to continue having compassion and love for His children just as He had instructed Hosea to have for his wife.

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