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Genesis & Exodus -Claudia Rodriguez

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    Claudia Rodriguez

    In Genesis we learned that it is the scripture of the birth or beginning of everything except God.   How God created the world.  The beginning of man and women, sin, family life, civilization and the beginning of chosen people.  The first part of Genesis tells us about the creation, the second part teaches us about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph lifes. It explains us how sin entered the world because one man sinned.  Then everyone sinned and death came to all people.  on 2 Corinthians 6:24 we learned about not joining non believers. Abraham offered his son as sacrifice. We learned about the Flood and the Babel crisis.

    In Exodus we learned that it means the outgoing of the Israelites from the land of Egypt.  It is the Book of Redemption.  The Structure of Exodus is The Exodus, The Law and  The Tabernacle.  The tabernacle portrays christ, they are rules people had to obey only until the new covenant came.  The Law was given so that the Israelites knew how to live, for  them to worship God and also to take care.  God sent his son to be an offering for sin.  Jesus does for us everything the Holy law requires.  The “rules” of the law is not obligatory to salvation, but the spontaneous result of salvation”.

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