Ezekiel was a Prophet chosen by God to prophecy during the the exile of the jews to Babylon during Nebuchaddnezzar’s invasion. Ezekiel who’s name means “God strengthens” began prophesying at age 30. God spoke to Ezekiel with clear instructions on what to tell the people ; through physical efforts and prophetic messages, Ezekiel prophesied a message of wrath to the people if they didn’t repent and turn from their sin, which the people didn’t accept because they were already in exile and instead complained they wanted a message of peace and hope.
God was angered by the peoples sin and as a result gave his prophet messages of the wrath to come knowing they were rebels and wouldn’t listen. Though out the book, people start mocking Ezekiel and Gods message saying this word was for future generations and didn’t apply to them and that God never did what he said, so God brings the wrath upon the land and then finishes with “ and they will know that I am the Lord” as this is the central message of this book; that the people would acknowledge the true God of Israel.
As we read, we realize that all of the detestable sins God wanted the people to turn away from thousands of years ago; pride, adultery, lies, greed, worshiping of other Gods, etc are the same sin that many still deal with today.