All of what we know about Ezekiel we get from this book. He was among the many that were sent to Babylonia by King Nebuchadnezzar and it was there that he received his call to become a prophet. He and those who were taken prisoners were able to live a fairly free life. Ezekiel was a priest in the Jerusalem temple but now that he was taken captive he found his job duties changing. The Lord made him a prophet to the Jews that were in exile with him. There are two major themes I picked up on which were that God was going to allow the Babylonians to destroy what remained of the Jewish nation but God would eventually send the Jews back to their home and rebuild their nation. I think the most well know verse in Ezekiel is in chapter 37 where he saw a vison of a valley full of dry bones come to life again. He was told to prophesy to the bones saying that the Lord would make breath enter them and they would come back to life again. He would form the whole body and they indeed would make a loud rattling sound and the bones would come back together bone by bone. The Lord continues to say through Ezekiel that he will bring the people back to the land of Israel and then they would truly know that he is Lord.