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  • #16159

    Jaime Ahumada

    Ezekiel was among the Jews exiled to Babylonia and among the exiles he received his call to become a prophet. Although he was confined to Babylonia he had free existence. He was a member of a priestly family and was eligible to serve as a priest. As a priest-prophet called to minster to the exiles his message had much to do with the temple and its ceremonies. He was gifted with a powerful intellect and was often detached but passionate. As a prophet he was to inform the people to live in peace with themselves and with God during their exile. After being informed by the Lord that Jerusalem was under siege and would fall. Ezekiel was also told that his wife would soon die. The Love of his life would be taken from him. ( I cant imagine my wife taken from me). This is just as the temple of Israel would be taken from Israel. The day of God’s wrath was soon to come, but not only on Israel. Once the news was received that Jerusalem has fallen. Ezekiel’s message turned to the Lords consoling word of hope for his people they would experience revival, restoration and glorious future as the redeemed and perfected kingdom of God in the the world.

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