The book of Ezekiel showed me that the judgement of God is something we all deserve. Reading the scriptures allows me to see that even though the account is something that took place thousands of years ago, it like looking in the mirror to our day and age right now. Ezekiel was the profit that God used this time around to give warning to the people. And yet no one listened. He went into exile and mourning for what was about to happen. The visions that God gave Ezekiel only amp up the urgency of the people to get right with God! NO ONE listened. And again the God we serve still finds mercy and grace for us. He brings the dry bones back to life not just so their pieces are all assembled but so that they should breath life again. Wow right! What we see as no good, impossible, dead! God sees as worthy, Strong as an army , victorious and full of life because of what He can do in us and through us!