1-24-2021 Biblical Studies FORUM for EXODUS
Forum Comments – Timothea Galoner
Exodus means the outgoing, as in God’s people going out of Egypt. The only home they knew. Can you see it? First you and your people survive through 430 years of slavery and with one voice you and your brethren cry out, “God save us!” Then a stuttering Leader comes on the scene, saying that God told him to do just that. Okay, great Moses, but those plagues of frogs and gnats and blood were pretty nasty! Couldn’t we just exit the scene like normal people? No, God had to give Pharaoh every chance to repent. And then the final decree. . . kill a spotless lamb and paint the blood over the doorpost and your firstborn would not die. Well, this is new! I can see furrowed brows as they acted out of obedience and dipped the tool into the blood and swiped the doorpost. But they did it. In faith. And as they gazed at their child were glad for it!
I know the Israelite’s were a handful for Moses. From the parting of the Red Sea with the Egyptians at their heals, God appearing in a Cloud by day and Fire by night to guide them, giving them quail when simple Manna was not enough for them, to the gift of water from a solid rock when they cried out from thirst., they often did not fare well and complained often. Ergo their 40 years on a trip that should have taken just a couple of weeks! But despite their grumbling they kept following Moses while God taught them about their faith. The Law on Tablets gave them structure (they were getting way out of hand with that golden calf!). The Tabernacle (a type of Christ and prophetic to His coming) gave them a way to Redemption and taught them spiritual truths. 40 chapters full of the depth of God creates a picture for us: Remember, once out of Egypt (sin) you don’t ever want to go back! Redemption is THE WAY! (In Christ)