God created us to be in unity/ communion with him. Unity is defined as oneness. In Samuel the Lords people wanted a king so God gave His people Saul. The Lord told Samuel they were not rejecting Samuel, but they were rejecting Him as their King (1 Sam. 8:7). Samuel warns the people to turn from their wicked ways and not to be afraid of what they did in the past but to worship the LORD with all their hearts, once they repented of the idols they worshiped Samuel told the Israelites that the Lord will not abandon His people for the glory of His name!
The Lord reminds us daily that we are His righteousness and to live godly lives, to turn from our wicked ways and to praise the name above all names. If we choose to keep living sinful lives we fall just like the anointed King Saul did when He started to act in rebellion, It is important to know that any act of rebellion is like witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:19-23). Praise King Jesus for His Holy Spirit ready to anoint our own lives and guide us to the joy of our salvation, being united in Christ overcoming the rebellion we faced before accepting Christ. .