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Evelia McMahon
The prophet Hosea was commanded by God to marry a harlot. He chose Gomer. This marriage is symbolic of Israel’s abandonment of God to a woman unfaithful to her husband. Hosea was sent to prophesy repentance to the northern kingdom of Israel. He ministered to them for 50 years. They enjoyed tremendous prosperity during the reign of Jeroboam II, yet when he died various kings came to the throne for a brief period of time and many were assassinated. The people were making sacrifices on the altar, idol worshiping, commiting adultery, and prostitution abounded. Hosea believed the wickedness of the people of Israel was because of a lack of knowledge and relationship with the living God. In spite of their wicked ways, God loved his people with an everlasting love. These are the names of Hosea and Gomer’s children: Jezreel which means “God scatters”, Lo-Ruhamah which means “Not obtained mercy”, and Lo-Ammi which means “Not my people”. The name of his children indicated the attitude of God towards Israel, but the day is coming when Israel will return to God and he will receive them as a loving father receives his lost child. As Hosea loved and cared for his cheating wife, so does God love and care for his rebellious children. We serve a covenant keeping God.
Joel‘s name means “Jehovah is God”. The prophet Joel describes the judgement of the Lord, but also as a call to repentance for the day of the Lord was near. A locust swarm devastated Israel and he called on the priest to help lead the people to repentance. The lord used the locust as a judgement call for Israel to repent. Joel called on the people to genuinely repent because God is gracious and loving. Joel asked God to forgive his people and God reversed the effects of the day from judgment to salvation. God allowed his presence to be among his people, where it will be accessible to them. If we just repent, God’s presence will transform and empower us to follow him. We can see the results of the power of prayer and fasting during difficult times. We need to repent in hope for restoration.
Amos was a layman and shepherd that was called to proclaim God’s coming judgement on the northern kingdom of Israel and to the house of Jacob. King Jeroboam II ruled and was successful but he allowed idol worship. Amos announced God’s word to Israel and the nation in poems and visions. He accused the privileged people of ignoring and allowing injustice to the poor but warned them that their sin and rebellion will bring consequences. The people ignored the commands of the covenant, and they worshiped pagan idols and lost sight of their call to live righteously and repent. They were known for cheating, stealing and oppressing the poor. Although God brings judgement, he also restore his family. In one of the visions the lord commanded that the temple be torn down falling upon the worshipers and that none be spared. We need to seek God so that we may live a peaceful but we he also said he will rebuild the tabernacle on earth for Christ to rule in his millennium kingdom. Praise the lord.
Obadiah is the shortest book in the old testament. Obadiah was God’s messenger to Edom. The people of Edom and the Israelites belong to the family of Abraham. Abraham and Sarah had Isaac. Isaac and Rebecca had two sons named Jacob and Esau. They had lots of struggles and they received the name Israel and Edom. Their families also had lots of struggles. The people of Edom believed they were better than the Israelites and they helped Babylon destroy Jerusalem; therefore God said thru Obadiah that Edom will be lowered and destroyed. Obadian said the day of the Lord is near for all nations that act like Edom and they will face the same consequences. Edom’s rise and fall is an example of how God’s justice opposes pride and this is what will happen to all prideful nations. This is also an example for us now not to be prideful and think that we are better than someone else.
God asked the prophet Jonah to go preach against evil in Nineveh, but he was rebellious and went in the opposite direction to Tarshish on a ship. The lord sends a storm and the sailors were afraid and they wake Jonah up to call on his God for help. He explains that the reason for the storm was because of his disobedience to the Lord. They asked what they should do and he told them to throw him overboard and the sea will be calm. But the lord saves Jonah by having him swallowed by a fish. Jonah prays in the belly of the fish and God causes the fish to vomit him on dry land. God asked Jonah to go preach against the evil in Nineveh again and this time he did, but all he said was “Yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown”. I think he had a little attitude because he didn’t say God sent him or why it will be destroyed or what they should do about it, or who will overthrow them, but the people and animals repented. God forgives them from when he saw that they turn from their wicked ways. Jonah is angry and tells God he didn’t obey the 1st time because he knew that God was merciful and would forgive the Nineveh and he prayed for God to kill him because he would rather die than live with a God that forgives his enemies. God doesn’t kill him and God asked Jonah if his anger is justified. I am thankful that God loves his enemies and he gives them several chances to repent.
Micah, which means who is like Jehovah, was a prophet to Judah. to proclaim warning and judgement to both the Northern and the Southern kingdoms. God comes to bring his judgment on Israel for over 500 years of rebellion because they have become wealthy thru theft and greed and their prophets are corrupt. They are violating the law. God’s purpose is to make Israel the meeting place between heaven and earth and God become the king of all nations and bring peace to the earth. Micah also tells us that a new Messianic king will come, born in Bethlehem and rule in Jerusalem. Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your god. God’s mercy is more powerful than his judgement and he is a covenant keeping God.