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LU Home Page Forums Biblical Studies 103 Forum WEEK 4 Minor Prophets Pt 1 (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah) Reply To: WEEK 4 Minor Prophets Pt 1 (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah)


Eileen Ahumada

Hosea- Hosea was a prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel before its fall. Hosea is called by God to marry unfaithful woman, Gomer. After giving birth to three children Gomer was unfaithful and the marriage shattered. Hosea used this experience with Gomer to illustrate God’s experience with Israel. Hose waned of Stern judgment of Israel’s unfaithfulness, for Israel had turned to other gods, Just as Gomer had left Hosea for other men. Like Gomer, Israel would receive forgiveness and restoration if the people returned to God.

Joel-Joel used a plague of locusts to illustrate the coming of this judgement, and he urged God’s people to listen, How much better to repent and live! But Joel’s prophecies contain messages of hope and warnings. If the people would respond to his warning, God would be merciful. God promised “I will give you back what you lost the swarming locusts” (2:25) God’s desire was to bless his people, not to destroy them. That was the reason for the locusts: to make people see while there was still time.

Amos- Amos was a shepherd and a sycamore fig farmer, not a priest or a religious servant. Amos was faithful to his calling and he delivered God’s message to the people. He directed his message mainly to Northern Kingdom Israel, although he himself was from the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Amos’s prophecy begins buy pronouncing judgement upon the surrounding nations; then the prophecy focuses on Israel itself. Amos denounced the injustice, corruption, greed and fake worship that were rampart in Israel. Amos’s prophecy continues with a series of visions, and the hope that Israel will heed these warnings.

Obadiah- Obadiah foretold Edom’s doom for treacherously plundering Jerusalem after its fall to the Babylonians. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, Jacobs brother. So they were related by blood to the Israelites who inhabited Jerusalem. The Edomites should have come to Jerusalem’s aid. Instead, they took part in the destruction and gloated over Jerusalem’s demise. The Edomites failed to realize that their survival depended upon their humility before the Almighty God.

Jonah- Jonah was as prophet born in Israel and called by God to preach to the people Nineveh, The capital city of Assyria. Assyria was the most powerful empire in that day, it was also ruthlessly violent toward its conquered enemies. This book of Jonah related how Jonah tried to flee his calling and travel by ship to another country. But God sent a storm to change his plans” Jonah was thrown overboard and a great fish swallowed him. The fish spewed Jonah onto the shore and Jonah went to Assyria. To Jonah’s dismay, the king and citizens of Nineveh heard his message and repented. God spared them from their promised destruction. In disgust, Jonah went outside the City and wished it would be destroyed. God rebuked Jonah and expressed his desire for all people, Jews and Gentiles to come to know him.

Micah- According to the prophet Micah-a loving God hates sin. Micah lived in a small town called Moreshet, which is south of Jerusalem. Micah denounced the oppression, pride, greed, corruption and arrogance of the two kingdoms. He summoned the priests and leaders to appear before God and plead their case, for they were about to be judged for their wickedness. God will hold everyone accountable for his or her sins. Micah also mad it clear that Gods love never dies. Judgement often comes after we have been given many opportunities to repent. And once God’s punishment had been given, he will restore his people to himself again and will forgive their sins.

Leadership University 2021