Leadership is a desired and sought-after skill. Once thought of as a character your born with or not… we instead turn to the bible at Leadership University and recognize it is a gift bestowed upon the children of God. And that it can be developed into higher levels of influence and efficiency!
Matthew 16:18-19 TPT I give you the name Peter, a stone. And this rock will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly, and the power of death will not be able to overpower it! 19 I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.”
This program gives students the opportunity to receive the degree program knowledge at a fraction of the cost. Students will study, learn, and complete assignments at a college level, but without same level of performance requirements. This course is transferable to a degree program.
- 5 classes in evangelism
- 5 classes in theology
- 5 classes in biblical studies
- 5 classes in leadership
- 1 quarter of internship
Earning a leadership Degree is a valuable work and ministry place commodity; usually reserved for graduate level programs… North West University describes it as an “in career” degree focusing on developing the personal characteristics and professional competencies needed for success and career advancement within your chosen vocation and/or place of employment.”
Leadership starts with personal development and ends up developing the people around you! TWLU wants to help you develop this gift of leadership mentally, spiritually, and practically! We believe God’s Word is the standard and guide for doing so…and under the expert teaching of business and ministry leader Pastor Marco Garcia (TWWO) this program provides students with intel to not only grow their own competency, but the agility to launch ahead of the crowd, to stand above in character and skill in any field.
Psalm 8:6 TPT You have delegated to them rulership over all you have made, with everything under their authority, placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers
- 2 Prerequisite classes
- 3 classes in Evangelism
- 5 classes in Systematic Theology
- 5 classes in Biblical Studies
- 5 classes in Leadership
- 1 quarter of internship
What can I do with a leadership degree?
- Business and management consultant.
- Human resources manager.
- Project manager or coordinator.
- Medical and health service manager.
- Sales and marketing manager.
- Leadership coaching or development.
- Business or organization executive.
- Life Coach
- Non-profit administrator.
- Ministry Team Leader
- Promote in current field to a higher level of management that requires building and leading others!
This day and age believers of every station need to be equipped for market isle and family dinner conversations on theology. Our faith is under attack by secular agendas and demonic attacks aimed at the next generation. Maybe you have experienced a Saturday morning knock on the door you weren’t prepared for, or your child shared curriculum that was contrary to biblical truth and you didn’t have the confidence to address it at the school board meeting (even though you wish you had). Preparing for these conversations and encounters is biblical! And Leadership University wants to help you be a voice of evangelism in a lost and deceived world.
Colossians 4:5-6 TPT Walk in the wisdom of God as you live before the unbelievers, and make it your duty to make him known. 6 Let every word you speak be drenched with grace and tempered with truth and clarity. For then you will be prepared to give a respectful answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
- 5 classes of Apologetics
- 5 classes of Biblical Studies
This Lay Program will prepare you not only for ministry, but also independent vocation in the non-profit arena. Life coaching and Influencers are in high demand around the world. God’s people delivering God’s wisdom needs a voice in society…and Biblical counseling and mental health coaching are today’s newest doorway to bridge the hurting and the lost to Christ.
At Leadership University we believe that the ministry work of the church needs to meet the needs of believers and unbelievers outside of the church walls. Our world has been experiencing a mental health crisis and the answers they are finding outside of God’s word are not helping. We are body, mind and spirit. This course will prepare you to assist the total person according to God’s design whether in a one on one conversation with friend & family members, ministry dynamic, or through an independent helps career setting
Matthew 9:36 NLT When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
This program will use MFT models to trains students on caring for the whole family from addiction, to abuse…Infidelity to communication the practical tools and Biblical methodology will transform counseling sessions and lives for the glory of God. Pre licensed individual may also use this program for hour accumulation, under our in house LMFT supervisor. (Please ask program coordinator for info on supervision after registering.)
- NPCC 301 – Lay Biblical Counseling
- NPCC 302 – Bible Based Mental Health Coaching
- NPCC 303 – Non-Profit Industry Basics
*40 hours of counseling hours with The Way counseling department must be completed prior to the completion of the program.