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Right Heart Right Motive

This is a prerequisite course to Leadership University’s Leadership Program. This course will better prepare students to step into leadership with confidence that they are able to safeguard their heart from offense from those they lead and with those
in authority over them. This will enable them to support the vision of the house and their pastoral staff in a way that builds the kingdom and brings God glory.

Upon completion of this course:
1. Students will learn to identify the demonic traps that hinder right relationship within the body and with God.
2. Students will receive training on how to maintain relationship in a church home, under church leadership and to support the vision of the house.
3. Students will gain tools to escape the trap of revenge for real offenses and how to confront their own thoughts concerning imaged offenses.

T.A. Contact Info. Alfred Duran – Text (562) 833-9413

Course Curriculum

Fall 2024- Quarter 2
Sep 8th – RHRM 090 – Student Success Details 2 weeks
Sep 15th- RHRM 090 The Trap of Offense: Real & Imagined Details 2 weeks
Sep 22nd – RHRM 090 Avoid Becoming a Spiritual Vagabond Details 2 weeks
Sep 29th – RHRM 090 Jesus & Offenses Details 2 weeks
Oct 6th – RHRM 090 Surrendering Our Rights Details 2 weeks
Oct 13th – RHRM 090 Finding the ability to Forgive Details 2 weeks
Oct 20th – RHRM 090 Escaping the Trap of Revenge to Restore Right Relationships Details 2 weeks

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    Leadership University 2021