He was. A betrayer of Christ. And he points out to us that we ALL are betrayers BUT that we have a LIVING HOPE in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit so we can live our Christian lives “KEPT by power of God through faith.” NOT of our own doing. In John 6:68 it says, “Simon Peter replied, “Lord to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” And Peter, seasoned by years of following the One with eternal life, talks honestly in I Peter about the trials we will go through and says that the genuineness of our faith is so much more precious than gold because, like gold, we will be tested in the refiner’s finer. Which is to say, “Hey, you are gonna have to understand that growing up in Jesus, you will take a LOT of heat, but grow up, you must! No more kiddie’s milk. Start eating the meat.” He betrayed Jesus. And then he repented and put his hope in Him alone. He’s one of my heroes.